About Linda

About Linda Henderson

tai chi classes bellingham waI was introduced to the art form of T’ai Chi Ch’uan while hiking with a friend in the mountains above Taipei, Taiwan. We came upon a meadow and my friend said, “Would you like to see me perform T’ai Chi? It was a sunny, warm day and the beauty of the mountains was the perfect back-drop for what became an integral part of my life. As she moved from posture to posture I fell in love with the slow, flowing choreographed movements. I returned to my home in Ventura, CA where I was living at the time, and found a teacher. Ever since, T’ai Chi has been a nurturing and sustaining part of my life. I cannot imagine a day without T’ai Chi.

When I moved to Bellingham a few years ago, I opened my studio with the desire to share T’ai Chi and all of its benefits with others as well as my passion for this graceful and beneficial art form. I have been a teacher my entire life in all of my endeavors, so teaching T’ai Chi was very natural.

I am a member and Certified Level III T’ai Chi and Qigong Instructor with the American T’ai Chi and Qigong Association. With over 3500 hours of teaching and over 600 hours of  training, and passion for T’ai Chi, I strive to  create  a learning experience and environment that is fun, encouraging, supportive and true to the form of  Tung Family.

Linda’s T’ai Chi is a 501 (c) 3 Non Profit in the State of Washington.

Linda Henderson Tai Chi bellingham, WA

My Teachers

Master Tung Kai Ying, LA Academy of T’ai Chi Ch’aun

Master Tung Chen Wei, LA Academy of T’ai Chi Ch’uan

Clifton Gore, Ventura, CA

Carolyn Huggett, World Tai Chi Fan and Sword Champion 2004 Zhengzhou China

Robert Bates, Master of Medical Qigong

Matt Van Dyke, Master of Chinese Medicine and Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner


“Fundamental to tai chi is a spirit of peaceful coexistence — the belief that in you, there is a piece of me, and in me a piece of you.”
– Jet Li, actor