Managing Anxiety

Feeling anxious or depressed is a common reaction to the stress of the COVID-19 outbreak and crisis.  How long will it last? How bad will it get? What will happen to the elders in my family, friends, my family? What will happen to me?  What will the impact of the economy and stock market have on my savings and my money? All of these things are anxiety producing, and rightly so. This is not a neurotic response to the situation we find ourselves in.

At the same time, we need to find ways to manager our anxiety and the flip side of anxiety, depression, so that it does not become all-consuming. Some strategies to consider- take breaks from the news and updates; take excellent care of your body by eating well and staying hydrated. Find various ways to calm your brain throughout the day. For example, deep long breaths  while gazing at something beautiful and relaxing. I gaze at the trees and forest near my home as well as the sunset in the evening as I breathe deeply from the belly. Perform T’ai Chi or other mindfulness activities. Finally, stay connected safely  to people and loved ones . We are social creatures and these connections are vital to a healthy body, mind and soul.  Be safe. Peace, Linda.